Our Blogs


Checkboxes while writing your Will

Jun 23, 2023 . 5 min read

Writing a will is a crucial topic, but regrettably, many individuals would rather avoid it. After all, thinking about our final will and testament causes us to reflect on our own death, a topic that many find unsettling. Your loved ones, sometimes referred to as your beneficiaries, won't necessarily have access to your property and goods in the case of your passing without a will in place. So there is need for a will, but why?


Is Electronic Will Valid in India?

Jun 18, 2023 . 6 min read

A will is a formal declaration of an individual's desire to pass along his wealth to future generations. After the will's creator passes away, it becomes effective. A will is a unilateral document that can be changed or revoked at any moment the maker is legally able to pass his property under the applicable succession law governing that person. The Indian Succession Act, 1925's rules apply to any such legal declaration made by a Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, or Jain. While Muslims are exempt from the Indian Succession Act, 1925 and are free to transfer their fortune in accordance with Muslim law.


Rights of Indian Women in Inheritance

May 25, 2023 . 6 min read

According to Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, everyone is treated equally before the law. It states 'The state shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.'. Despite constitutional protections, gender-based disparities in inheritance trends persisted.


Know the participants in your Will

May 21, 2023 . 5 min read

A person's (the testator's) desires regarding the distribution of their estate, which includes both movable and immovable property, are expressed in a will or testament. Additionally, it designates who (executor) will be in charge of the property up until dispersal. A will is a crucial legal document that exactly and concisely outlines a person's wishes.


Create a Will even when you are young!!

Apr 19, 2023 . 6 min read

A person's wishes for the management or distribution of their possessions after death are legally expressed in a will. A will may be written in any style, even though it is a legal document. For instance, a will can be typed or penned by hand and does not need to be on stamp paper.


For every minute spent Organising, an hour is earned !!

Apr 19, 2023 . 6 min read

We all understand the importance of personal financial planning quite well. However, most of us tend to ignore an important aspect of financial planning which is “record keeping”. Though record keeping might sound tedious and clerical, a systematic and organized-mannered record is not only essential but can add a lot of value in the time of need.

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